I had a jam packed Saturday on the Blue Ridge Parkway. I signed up for a one-day Nature Photography class offered by the
Photo School of the Upstate. It's a great school and I wish I could find something like it in Asheville. The class was led by
Richard Bernabe. The day started at 8am (some opted for the sunrise at 6am - I skipped this part) and it ended at 9pm.
First stop, Looking Glass Falls

Second stop, Skinny Dip at mile marker 417 on the Parkway

Third stop, Second Falls somewhere between Mile Marker 417 and 431

This is where I digressed from the main subject, the waterfall and started shooting little details. The waterfall actually had tons of tourists and swimmers in front of it.

Fourth stop, Mile Marker 431 - great scenic views! The rolling mountains were my favorite! I prefer these shots to waterfalls.

Last stop, Black Balsam Knob (I think...it was a small hike uphill but sooooo worth it! And remember to bring a jacket - the wind is cold at 6,214 ft elevation).

Overall it was a great, exhausting trip. I found some great sunset spots I would love to go back to and enjoy a picnic with the views.